Finished projects in 2001 -
Controlled high efficiency automated electric drives - Funder: Romanian Ministry of Education, National University Research Council, D type grant (financed by the World Bank and the Government of Romania), Project Manager: Biró K.Á. , in collaboration with the Electrical Drives & Robots Department (1998-2001).
Real-time controlled industrial efficient intelligent electric drives systems - Funder: Romanian Ministry of Education, National University Research Council, C type grant (financed by the World Bank and the Government of Romania), Project Manager: Prof. IMECS Mária ( Electrical Drives & Robots Department ), in collaboration with the Electrical Machines., Management & Marketing Department (1998-2001).
Design and development of doubly-salient permanent-magnet machines and drives - National Science Foundation (USA) International Research Program, Grant No. ECS-9702370 (1999-2001), Romanian Counterpart Lead Investigator: M.M. Radulescu .
"GLOBE" cross cultural CEO research project on leadership styles, Project coordinator Prof. Dr. Robert HOUSE, Wharton University, USA, 2001, ( Gh.A. Catana and D. Catana , country co-investigators for Romania, A. Negrusa and V. Nastase members of the research team).
Position-sensorless DSP-based control system of a small electronically-commutated variable-reluctance permanent-magnet motor , Funder: Ministry of Education and Research, National University Research Council, Grant A 39970/2001 - 20/267, Project manager: M.M. Radulescu .
Design , modeling and optimization of a surface motor , - Funder: Romanian Ministry of Education, National University Research Council, Grant AT nr: 34970/2001, theme 9, Project manager: Szabó L .
Test bench for testing electrical machines in different regimes - Funder: National Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation (ANSTI); Grant S nr: 6113/2000, theme B28 (2000-2001); Student project manager: Dobai J.B. (supervisor: I.A. Viorel )
Single sided transverse flux motor, design algorithm and experimental model - Funder: National Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation (ANSTI); Grant S nr: 6113/2000, theme B48 (2000-2001); Student project manager: A.D. Popan (supervisor: I.A. Viorel )